First of all, I was born in Russia. I have a lot of bad memories of when I was a toddler. I was orphaned at age 3 due to my drunken sperm donor shooting my birth mother in the head. I was adopted at age 4 to the best family anyone could have or wish to have. (I just happen to be the lucky one. =D ) Because of the violence I witnessed and was subjected to, I have Severe PTSD, depression, and anxiety disorder and three different kinds of seizures. But I have conquered where most people would stumble and fall. I was the one who kept getting up and fighting back. I am considered a huge success story among the Cleveland Clinic doctors, and am greatly encouraged to write a book about my life experiences to help inspire others. This is due to the fact that I can function at a very high level, while most ppl who have suffered similar trauma would not be able to function so highly. I am very proud of my success in dealing with my disabilities. It's been a hard journey, with a lot of road blocks. but I am walking with my head held high. for I am more than just my disabilities, I am Laura Regina Therese Pisarek. I do not let my disabilities hold me down. They are my cross that I must carry for we each have a cross to Christ himself. It makes us more compassionate if we allow God to enter our lives. For i am like a sparrow and let God take care of all my needs. I love God, I love Christ, I do not like your christians, for they are most unlike Christ. Ghandi once said this, and due to experience, I quite Agree with Him, so i am Wiccan, because I find Christ and God through the gifts of nature.
I have always been an artist.... ever since I could move my hand. While other kids on the playground were playing ball, I was drawing the school and the idiots around me. I am still like that, I often forget to eat because I am so absorbed into my artwork. I love drawing people, portraits and the strange, images that my mind has created for me and beg to be put on paper. My art is very expressive and sometimes gruesome. I love my art. It is a part of me I care for. It's is like a child to me, and I it's mother. art is my dream, my life, my soul.
I love animals, I adore each fluffy creature that I see. i have two quirky cats, a lovable sheltie who will never grow up, and a miniature rabbit. I really want to adopt a baby squirrel or chipmunk. if i could, I would have all the stray and unwanted pets brought to my house so they can be loved and spoiled rotten.
I am also psychic. I can see angels and spirits. I can feel someone's emotional energy a mile away. I can walk in a room, not look up and instantly know who is feeling what. I can describe someone with accuracy that I have never met. This often actually makes me shy in a new class. I can tell that a lot of people in this writing class are kind of feeling awkward towards me. so currently I feel slightly out of place with everyone's energy around me. Which I hope to change with my winning personality. =D
I love dancing and standing out from society's definition of normal. Because well - behaved women rarely make history. It's those who dare to challenge the definition of normal that change the world in some kind of form. I love being who i am. I love being the bold one.
I love reading more than I like watching t.v. Reading allows me to escape to different time periods, and different worlds, to doomed romances that turn out ok in the end. To the scandals of a high society family in the mid 1800s. To the mystery of a new agatha christie novel. To going into the world of batman. to challenge the known and roam the unknown.
I love 70s music, old cartoons that my mom used to watch as a kid. My mom is also my best friend. I can tell her anything. And I love that relationship I have with my mother. It's the best kind of relationship one should have with their parents.
I am the one who rocks the dance floor first, while others are uncomfortable to move out of their chairs. I speak my mind, and challenge what I feel is unfair. My favorite season is autumn because the bare branches look like black lace against the cloudy sky. IT excites me every time I see it. IT never gets old for me. I love it more each time I see it. I love walking through the leaves and hear their crisp crackling neath my feet, I love the colored leaves that God paint through the night, I love the cool evenings where I can snuggle under two blankets. And I love the scampering squirrels with acorns in their paws.
I love my life because I am who I always wanted to be. Because I am laura.